"Live your optimal life?"
Would you like to live a longer, healthier, happier, quality filled life?
Is that even possible?
Is decline an inevitable part of getting older?
If these questions resonate with you, you are not alone and you are in the right place.
"NOPE! It’s not about new year, new you! I’m not talking about some airy fairy weird weight loss fad. This is about your health, and without your health not much else will be able to function. Your health is important! It’s true! You do have to put on your own mask first. But, where to start? What can you do that will be easy but will have a big benefit? The answer is: Clean up the toxins!" Toxins build up in our bodies over time through the air we breathe, the foods we eat and the stress we put our bodies under on a daily basis. The master filter in our body – the liver – works to cleanse the body of these toxins to keep them from disrupting the normal functions and operations of the body; essentially, keeping you healthy. Unfortunately, the overabundance of toxins our bodies build up, causes undue stress on our liver; and often the liver can’t keep up with the demand. It needs help to remove these toxins and keep you healthy. Think about it, If your filter isn't worki...
You have to stay hydrated. Here are 5 reasons you need to drink more water...or put in other words: 5 ways drinking water can improve your health! 1. Why do we need water anyway? 70-80% of the brain is water and ~75% of the body is water. We need water to aid in our metabolism, for digestion, to remove impurities / waste, for circulation / transport and for maintaining temperature! All these tend to work better when we are properly hydrated. 2. We are constantly losing water so we have to replace it We lose water through: breathing, sweating, as urine and bowel movements and some medications can speed up water loss. Alcoholic beverages increase fluid loss and so does hot weather. 3. Dehydration can affect your central nervous system causing: Sleepiness / tiredness, headache, dizziness / lightheadedness, confusion and even coma in severe cases. 4. Not getting enough water may also affect the kidneys and can lead to: Kidney stones (stones can’t form in d...
Today let's talk about sleep. Sleep. How do you feel about your sleep? How much sleep do you need to feel refreshed? Do you feel as though you are getting enough of it? Do you feel fatigued, as though you aren't getting enough? Are you the energizer bunny, needing very few hours of sleep where others need 9-10 hours per day? What does your sleep profile look like? Are you falling asleep quickly and staying asleep easily? Does discomfort disturb your sleep? If you are having any sleep disorders, disturbance or concerns, this is an important topic to discuss with your healthcare provider. Sleep is so important for our health and wellness yet it is often overlooked. Chronic sleep deprivation can result in increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack and even stroke. Want more sleep talk? Call us in office: 860-589-1491
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