A Wellness Breakthrough... Is It For You?


Live your Optimal Life Wellness Breakthrough


Who is this for?

This is step one to achieving the optimal wellness that we all desire. This is for someone who is interested in the basics involved in living her optimal life. She is able to take this knowledge and sprint to the finish line on her own like a champ! She wants to live longer, happier, more vibrantly and to have a long quality passionate life.

She is ready to ditch the overwhelm and gain energy and she is committed to adding life to her years, not just years to her life. Quality of life is important to her and being just OK is not acceptable.  She just needs the exactly how, the step by step model to get there, and she trusts herself to get it done.


All Our High Value High Vibration Programs Include Four Stages:




-Life Plan


We start with an initial assessment session

During this session we will take a complete assessment of where we want to be and outline our roadmap to getting there. We will look at a complete health history, determine relevant diagnostic testing and predictive testing and get started mapping optimal you.  


Live your optimal life private sessions

 Included in your package and spread out over the 3 months are one on one private sessions. These sessions can be in person or virtual calls, aimed at drilling down to the core of what has been preventing optimal health. These sessions are mind-body and results focused. What results do you want for your health today? What would you like your health to look like in 10, 15 even 20 years from now? We spend this time working through the exactly how to get your results. We will also be moving through mindset barriers and maintaining your overall momentum during these sessions. Reset, repair and life plans will be worked through during these visits. This package includes 3 months of texting support with Dr. Davia as well.



Included in your package and based on your individual needs, predictive testing labs will be done. The lab work you do for your annual physical is valuable, AND, additional testing does reveal much more and helps not only devise better treatment protocols, but also provides the foundation of the development of a customized life plan.  


Appropriate nutritional supplementation

This program will outline the specific supplementation needed based on your specific condition. You will receive your kits containing specific nutritional support tailored to you.  


 Kick-start to optimal you course

Three month access to step by step guidance on implementation of key health and wellness strategies. You will have access to our signature “Kick-start to optimal you,” program.


 Live your optimal life Facebook Community

Membership in the exclusive Facebook group. Community can be helpful when going through a program like this. Want to share a celebration or a breakthrough? Looking to create an accountability structure for your next breakthrough? Access right on time support from this hand selected group of like-minded women.

We will be here for us when you need us.



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