Will You Achieve Your New Year Resolutions This Time?

The question I ask of anyone who will listen is : Do you believe that you can live your optimal life? What does living your optimal life mean for you? I mean, if you could wave a magic wand and change your life so that everything fell into place what would that look like? What would your health be like? Your body? Your time? Your relationships, career/work, finances? What would those all be like if we were really allowing ourselves to dream into the realm of what we would truly, deeply, no holes barred, like to have show up in our lives? I believe that we create our own lives by design. I believe that every single one of us is being constantly blessed. That we have a constant stream of well being flowing to us, but the reason we do not always see the things we want showing up in our existence is that we are not always allowing the awesomeness in. We are often not in the mode for receiving the things we are desiring and as a result we are often blocking our desires from comi...