Do you think it's just you getting older?

I'm debunking the myth that decline is just a part of getting older once and for all time! This one will be a long one. In The 30 Day Kickstart Program we cover this material over a few days, it is that important y’all! Let me drop some science: If you have ever been to one of our retreats or heard me speak you will have heard me talking about how inflammation is responsible for about 80% of chronic conditions that people consider just a natural part of aging. If you know me pretty well, then you know that even though I tend to have a spirit based approach to health, having been a research scientist, I always want to see the research. When it comes to health claims, count me in the cynical category! Well, there is research that confirms that decline is not just a part of aging, this research pinpoints a molecule called NFkB found inside cells. NFkB is responsible for telling our cells to start the inflammatory process. This is great if there is an invader that needs to b...